Monday, July 28, 2008

She's BOSSy!

Saturday night, July 26, 2008: Samantha confirms that she will in fact be moving in with us and taking my old room.

Sunday morning, July 27, 2008: Samantha posts a bulletin on MySpace notifying everyone that she is moving out and super excited.

Sunday afternoon, July 27, 2008: Samantha receives a text from our boss asking where she is moving. After asking me what she should say, she told her that she was moving in with me and Andrew. Never received reply. Later on after a late-night visit, Ashley returns and tells me that Carrie told her, "Well, I can't schedule them together anymore."

[Honestly, what does living together have to do with working together? I guess that if two people live together, they must only goof off at work. Sam and I have worked together many-a-time and always get things done--more than I can say for our boss and any other employee when she interrupts them for the most random things, has them do every single thing for a customer while she's on the phone with her friend or coloring a zone sheet for a day that is three weeks away--and living together wont change that. Ashley and I live(d) together and although she makes it a point to not schedule us together, it happens and we work together just fine. We might have more of a connection than other employees because I hardly see anyone outside of work that doesn't live with me, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to give them some kind of discount or steal things with them. It's bullshit.]

Monday morning, July 28, 2008: Sam texts me that she isn't looking forward to working with our boss because of the moving situation. I told her to be nonchalant about it and say, "They simply had an empty room opening up and offered it to me. That's it!" To which our boss replied, "You know, you could get fired if anyone finds out you're living together."

[Honestly, knowing Ashley and I live(d) together, our boss still hired her back. If for some reason someone could get fired if they lived with another employee, did she intend for me to get fired for living with Ashley? Does she honestly hate me that much? I don't get it.]

...Our boss then tells her that it's going to be bad living with a couple all "lovey dovey," to which Sam replied, "It doesn't really bother me what-so-ever." Our boss then tells her how uncomfortable living with someone is.

[A.) Andrew and I aren't all "lovey dovey." We are "happy" and our boss is jealous that someone she knows is happy while she is not. Even if Andrew and I were "lovey dovey," we wouldn't coo at each other everywhere. Yes, when Andrew and I are together, we will snuggle a little on the couch and watch a movie or a television show, and yea, we'll hug and occasionally kiss--not some huge PDA show though, calm down--but it's not "lovey dovey" in the slightest. B.) She always complains about how lonely she is at her place all by herself. How can she "claim" that it's uncomfortable to live with someone when she is lonely all by herself and she always tells stories about the fun times she had living with her friends Julian and Andrew (different Andrew). It's a big fat lie wobbling out of her mouth when she says it's "uncomfortable" to live with someone.]

Overall she was trying to convince Sam to not want to move in and at the end Sam said to her, "I'm excited to move in. It's going to be lots of fun!" Response, "No one can know about this." So now it's a big secret because she doesn't want people thinking that I'm bundles of fun and she's a bundle of emotions ready to explode at any given moment.

Monday afternoon, July 28, 2008: Ashley gets home after work and tells me more about her time at our boss's house last night. They mostly talked about other things, but when the Sam-texting-incident happened when she found out that Sam was moving in with us, they got on the topic of Andrew and me. Our boss said to Ashley, "Andrew and Miranda are always together. She never hangs out with me anymore. It's just like her other relationships." To which Ashley explains that he and I are not always together--he works at night and I work during the day--and we see each other for a couple hours at a time during the days where we both work. Our boss apparently has the idea that when Andrew and I are together, we just sit like bums on a couch. Did I not blog about two separate occasions this month where he and I went to the beach? Honestly. We do spend a lot of time at home, but I'm cleaning or blogging or making hemp jewelry and Andrew is either on his Volksrods website, working on one of his car projects, or cooking something. Yes, we do watch movies and television shows a lot, but it's not all we do! We are not bumps on logs; we are human "beings," not human "doings."

I just don't understand how someone can assume these things about other people, spread rumors about these unsubstantiated "facts," and try and convince people that I'm this horrible person and am not worth living with or trying to spend time with because all my attention is on Andrew and being "lovey dovey" and attached at the hip.

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