Saturday, July 26, 2008

Moving Out and Growing Up

Today is the first bit of my 3.5 days off in a row. How exciting! At midnight, Ashley and I sent our boss a text saying "Happy Birthday..." and " you!" After hearing her whine about how her friends don't care about her and all that jazz, we figured out that it was the least we could do without having to listen to anymore whining. It worked.

I am transferring this blog from a handwritten "journal" entry on my way to Ashley's new place. Ashley (and Andrew)'s mom [Linda--what a cool name!] drove, with Ashley riding shotgun and Sam and I backseat-ing it up. I gave my cursive a run for its money and it was pretty difficult with the bumps and sways of the freeway [and getting a little carsick!], lack of practice, and a hangnail on my right index finger where my middle finger rests while writing [why do I write like that?]. With the focus of this blog not being my horrible handwriting skills, I am excited to see Ashley's new place, now that we can say "her new place" with certainty. With the excitement comes the sadness of seeing her leave. She was a sweet roommate with fun stories and with whom I would experience many late night trips to Haggen and WalMart for the most random and interesting things.

Her new place is in Lynnwood and a couple minutes from her salon at the mall. It is pretty basic from the outside, but inside has a lot of spunk. It is a two-story townhouse with two bedrooms, a full storage closet, a linen closet, and a full bathroom upstairs and a living room, kitchen, half bath, and huge storage space downstairs.

This is the outside. Pretty basic, like I said, but inside holds the secret:

After going down the stairs you get to the main living room / dining room. There is a little hole in the wall that "connects" the room to the kitchen:

Pretty spiffy! Working upstairs:

That's right; I'm sticking my head through the rails of the deadly lookout. Murder central! The rooms are cool because they have tracklighting instead of basic lighting and the main bedroom has basically a walk in closet. Look how deep in it is!

And making our way back down to the landing...

Total candid shot, by the way! Haha!! Overall a pretty cool place.

With Ashley moving out, that leaves an empty and bigger room in the house that I can move my stuff into. How cool is that? There might be room for my futon in there this time. I will have to measure to see if everything will fit. I will make room on my shelf for my beads so they won't be in the living room on the printer, possibly weighing down the scanner top and ruining everything that we paid for. Not cool. If it all works out as planned, my room will be laid out like so:

Pretty sweet, no?

So then this means that my room will be empty and there will be one less provider of rent. Andrew and I thought about it and decided to ask Sam to move in with us. She was all for it when I asked her this morning, but we're giving her time to think it over and talk to her dad [with absolutely no pressure or feelings on the line!] and soon we will know if we have a sweet new roommate!

It's a cool feeling moving out and growing up. I always joked about living with my folks until I was 40 years old. Now that I have moved out, I have taken responsibility of keeping things clean and organized more so than at my folks' place. I pay rent and feel that it's partly my house too [although I'm not on the lease at all] and I feel the need to take care of it. Fixing up the house with Andrew sounds like a lot of fun [redoing the kitchen, bathroom, electrical stuff (I.E. light fixtures and outlets so that they have ground holes instead of just the two basic slits) and pulling up the carpets]. I would never have wanted to be a part of "home remodeling," but I want to and it's a very "adult" and "grown up" thing to feel, I think.

I hope that through all of the drama that is going on over at my folks' place with my sister has an eye opening result for her. She honestly never talks to me unless she needs something. either to bring her Subway or a mocha back when she was in school, needed me to bring her the spare key for her car that was locked a half hour away, and most recently to ask to stay in our house while she fights with my mom and dad over childish opinions on household rules. Honestly, if you're a [now] 18-year-old girl living with your parents and they say for the last time that your boyfriend can't sleep in the same room as you because it sends off the wrong message to your almost 10-year-old sister, but he can sleep on the couch and stay at the house if he A.) gets a job, B.) pays a whole $50 a month for rent [which is nothing], and C.) shows some kind of respect for other people and their things. But this is absolutely unheard of [because no one has ever stood up to her before and it's nobody's fault--she is just crazy and it's easier to just go with whatever she wants to do than to put up a fight] and she is apparently moving out because of it, with no place to stay. Well, I hope that moving out [and not staying here] will open up her eyes and make her mature passed her selfish and childish way of life.

I'm full.

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