Thursday, October 30, 2008

Why is it that my body goes into hibernate mode 15-20 minutes into a movie? I swear! I haven't seen a movie all the way through in maybe... a week and a half?? Last night was Reservoir Dogs. I started watching it last night with Andrew and ended up falling asleep at the same part I must have fallen asleep to wayyy back whenever I attempted to watch it before. The night before was Crank. Yes, that one may have been because Jason Statham is in it; I cannot STAND that man! I don't know why! He just annoys me with his scraggly voice and that "accent" that he is attempting to pass off is almost as bad as fingernails on a chalkboard [*cringes*]. I only made it five minutes into Crank, and although this "actor" is the lead role, it looked like a pretty dang good movie.

Jason Statham: Just another stupid ol' nincumpoop! Stupid, terrible, and that he acts makesmesick!

And I'm done. My point being that I my ability to not watch an entire movie all the way through is driving me nuts because I am truly missing out. Now I have to wait until I'm fully awake to watch the movie and FORCE myself to stay awake. It might be because I'm working every day and am tired afterward because my job is super strenuous.

...SUUUUUUPER strenuous. [*Cough, cough*].

I think the most strenuous thing I've done at BigFoot Java was probably today when I lifted three boxes of cups up a ladder. I know, right? I should be getting paid what some consider a "labourous wage."

Whatev, I'll just keep my fingers crossed for the Lead Barista position; Shelley and I turned in our letters very early after the meeting and Jeena has until the 5th to turn hers in. After this, Honora [manager] will do phone interviews, decide who to promote, and have all the new Lead Baristas go down South to one of the other stands and have a full-board training day with instructions how to order everything, fix every machine, yada yada fun fun! I really really really hope that I'm one of the Leads at the stand. If Jeena turns in her letter, I'll be the newest employee of the three being considered. But then again, I have managerial experience and have proved that I can BUST ASS at work and that I care.

Just trying not to get my hopes up, which is hard.

Today at work, Shelley and I were helping customers, chit-chatting, and all of a sudde, I looked at my watch and I had ten minutes until I was supposed to be off. How crazy is that?!

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