Saturday, September 20, 2008

Stupid People

You've just gotten into your car after a full day of work -- music: soothing; heater: blaring; wipers: wiping. Excited to get home and relax for the rest of the entire day, you begin to drive. On your route home, you encounter a three-way stop. One car stops first straight in front of you, you stop, and a third car stops to your left. Everyone is aimed to go in the same direction: your right. Normally, the car in front of you would go first, then you, then the car to your left, due to arrival times. But noooo. The car to your left decides to scoot forward ever so slowly, making the first car hesitate to go. You laugh because this would happen. The car in front of you eventually takes its turn and the car to your left decides that now, it will obey traffic rules, and you take your turn.

After a light you are in the lane to get on the freeway. Your lane yields to other cars from the other direction, but the light just turned green and the lane is not moving. No one is entering the freeway. Why? Because the person at the "front" of the lane decided not to get on the freeway, turned her blinker on [assuming it's a "her" because men are the asshole drivers and women are the dumb ones], and waited until someone let her over into the lane going straight. *Sigh*.

Once on the on-ramp, you think you're on the home stretch and everything is going to be super smooth. Wrong! Everyone apparently thinks that you are supposed to merge into full-speed freeway traffic at 45mph, at least 15mph slower than what everyone else is going. If that's not idiotic enough, knowing that traffic is attempting to merge, a big ol' pick-up truck with dual back tires is in the right-most lane and refuses to change lanes to make room for you and your fellow mergers until the last minute.

I hate merging, personally. Quite possibly in my top five things I hate. Well, I don't "hate," but I highly HIGHLY dislike things. I highly dislike merging.

And it isn't just when you merge, but when other people are trying to get on the freeway and you go to make room but find that there is a dumbass car on your left driving the same speed as you are, making for a row of three cars driving the same speed aimed at a merging into two lanes. It's almost a scene from a horror movie.

...from The Shining, perhaps, which I am hope-hope-hoping to watch tonight. Haven't seen it in forever and I'm in a deep need to see.

I'm fully feeling a relaxing bath with Michael Buble as my soundtrack [one hundred thanks to Katie for introducing us!] so I'll end this with a scene from my day today:


After finishing up an order and having the customer drive away, the next customer in line guns the engine, brakes sharply in front of my window, and shouts his order while on his cell phone. I make his drink [perfect, I might add] and in the midst of preparing it, my manager [last day as manager; tomorrow she'll be my "co-worker"] struck up a little conversation with him and he told her he went clubbing in Seattle the night before. She said, "OOOoooh!" and he asked rudely, "Why'd you say 'Ooooh!'?? I didn't do anything! You HAVE to go to Seattle to go clubbing, unless you want to go up to Bellingham to a FAGGOT BAR."

I am 110% supportive of the homosexual, bisexual, whatever-have-you life choice and life style, but the fact that he used that word made me incredibly irritated, though I didn't show it. While stirring his drink he yelled at me, "That's stirred ENOUGH!!!" I opened my eyes real wide, put the lid on his drink, and handed it to him [already paid for and ready to go]. He then proceeds to whip out his cell phone and show me his wallpaper of a bikini barista in Seattle who posed for a picture for him.

A.) How creepy is it that a rude, nasty older man was showing me--a barista--his wallpaper--of a barista in a bikini??

B.) Being in a bikini for your job is kind of pathetic and demeaning. Why do you have to flaunt your body while making a drink while you can do it [probably with a better quality result] with your clothes ON, covering all body crevices and not offending anyone?

C.) The only customers that go to a bikini barista stand are the creepy ones who go to look. I know I wouldn't want to go and see some skinny little girl tip-toeing around making my fattening coffee drink!! No THANK YOU!

I suppose that's all, but geeze. Oh, OH! And a woman today ordered a drink, I made it perfectly, rang her up, and she told me, "No, that's not right," to which I explained to her incredibly nicely that A.) this is, in fact, how you ring up her drink that she ordered [with the flavor and extra shots having charges added to them] and B.) our prices had recently gone up, which might explain the price difference. To which she replied, "Well that's not what I get charged." To make her happy, I demoted the charge from a mocha to a latte [the only difference being that if it was a latte, it wouldn't have had the chocolate in it] and it was less than what she claimed she "gets charged." She was still pissed and said, "Well, they better give you guys raises because people aren't going to tip as much anymore. I am going to stop drinking coffee because of this." Good for you for being a bitch. Just because you are all in a tiff doesn't mean that it's MY FAULT! If you're reading this, lady, I just want to tell you that it's incredibly rude to go to someone's place of work and tell them how to do their job, unless the person deserves to be told. And with the delicious drink that I made for you, I didn't deserve anything but a nice and polite "thank you!" You DON'T have to tip me; it's not a requirement. It's your right to be stingy when I take the time to make sure that A.) the measurements of the ingredients are perfect to your liking, B.) the temperature is in regulation with Health Code, C.) that I didn't accidentally ruin the espresso shots and cover up the colouring with half-and-half [that an ex-barista told me she did when she got a drink today], and D.) that I didn't SPIT IN IT or wipe my ass with my bare hands and stick my poo-ridden fingers onto the mouth piece of the lid or straw!

It's not a requirement, so either do it or don't and leave it at that.

Oh, and I hope you get rear-ended by someone who speeds off without you having the time to get any kind of license number or make and model description.

Bath time.

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