Saturday, November 8, 2008

Americano Asshole

Today went by incredibly fast. The first two hours were super slow [of course, when I'm by myself and don't have to split tips] but after that it was mayhem! Normally this would be a welcomed change, but since I broke one of the fridges, and one of the espresso machines is broken, we had one machine and one fridge to split between the two of us [new girl--Jackie--and myself]. It was as bad as making Thanksgiving dinner in a 5th wheel with extended family crowding around. Ahhh!!

It didn't go that bad actually. There were a few moments when all the pitchers were dirty, both blenders were covered in blended mocha residue, the counters were splattered with cinnamon dust and spilt espresso, one of the portafilter heads didn't grip when necessary and its contents of coffee grounds went all over the espresso machine tray and counter, and the wind was blowing full force through the stand windows like a centralized tornado. Other than these moments, it was okay.

I see a definite improvement in Jackie's skills. She brought in the little study sheet I made for her and after a bit of quizzing, I came to realize that she had in fact been studying. I hadn't made an Iced Creamcicle until MAYBE my 20th day working, and this was about her 8th, so she definitely has the knowledge; if we had both machines working and both fridges functioning, it would have been a pretty easy day.

Our manager said the guy who comes to fix everything is going to come next week. So until he decides to show up, we will have to continue with the sharing of the machine and the fridge. This guy should really put some effort into fixing our stuff sooner. Kailey said that he hates coming to our stand because it's a very long drive for him [understandable; I wouldn't want to go somewhere 2-3 hours away from home to fix things if I didn't have to!] but if he isn't coming up sooner because he doesn't FEEL like it, then I think we need to get a new Mr. HandyMan because apparently our stand is the one with the most problems.

...a lead would know how to fix a lot of the espresso machine stuff if hired and trained, but it is now three days past the "due date" for turning in letters of consideration, eight days shy of a month from when I turned mine in, and yet no calls or word of anything. Ahhhh!!

Whatever. If it gets fixed, then our problems are solved. It wont be super crowded during extremely busy mornings [when we will only get about $35 in tips each on a GOOD day, compared to the Everett stand girls that make at least $100 each in the mornings] and it will be a lot less stressful feeling like you are in someone's way.

Today I was making a couple drinks for this regular guy who comes through. He always shouts at me, "12 OUNCE AMERICANO. BLACK." and then ignores me until the time comes for me to exchange the drinks for his money. I make his drink every morning shift I work and it's always the same, "12 OUNCE AMERICANO. BLACK." So I'm making his drink, along with the drink of his buddy in the car, and I hand the drinks over. The Americano squirts out the lid opening a little and I offer some napkins. Instead of saying either "yes" or "no," this is what he says:


Well, if you don't want it as full next time, maybe you should tell me. Just because I'm a "certified barista" doesn't mean I have a degree in MIND READING, YOU INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE!!


I then had a regular come through [it's sad that I don't know many of the regular's names but I do know their drinks... this one in particular is three espresso shots over a teaspoon of honey and stirred with a splash of cream, with the occasional drink for his wife, a 16oz. mocha with an extra shot] who is ALWAYS very nice. The regulars usually are, which is fortunate because there is almost guaranteed an asshole every 45 minutes who really pisses you off. It was great timing for him to pull through though; going from an a-hole to a friendly face is a pretty quick mood transition.

I didn't have a chance to make myself a drink today, other than the pre-made tea I had in the back fridge in my sweet pitcher [that batch wasn't all that great, but I didn't want something super sugary and un-healthy that early in the morning], so it was kind of nice when at the end of my shift I made myself a delicious blended chai. We ran out of the powder the other day and miraculously got some in, thank goodness, or else I wouldn't have had this delectable beverage. We also ran out of liquid chai, Hazelnut Syrup, hot cup sleeves, and 16oz cups not that long ago. The chai and sleeves have yet to be received, with Hazelnut being borderline gone again and the 16oz cups a few rows shy of being out.

...Lead Barista, anyone? Anyone?

Since I got an excellent night's sleep last night [due to my amazing new sleep mask! I recommend everyone at least try one; I slept less than six hours and this morning I thought I overslept!! Ahhh!!], I am waiting to nap until later, and maybe even just go to bed a little early and get MORE good sleep! I am getting a blog in [always a good thing to do], waiting an hour for Andrew to come home, eat burgers, watch a movie, and play with the dawgs! All in all I'd say it's been a good day.

Except for the Americano Asshole, who I hope burned his hand with the squirt of hot drink that came out because I didn't psychically know to not fill it up to the regular spot.

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