I figured that if I waited a couple days before blogging, it would be more interesting. I'm pretty sure I'm right.
Friday was
the day we decided on our furniture. The couch is the same as in the previous blog.
Here is a website for the sectional. It basically has the same picture I had posted but it also shows the optional ottoman [which we opted out of because it was another $200+]. It is called the
Galini Sectional by
Primo International. The recliner is called the Romulus. I have a lame phone picture along with an online photo [in the non "
clamshell" color]:

I sent the photo of the recliner to My T-Mobile Album and once again, it is taking forever to load. Although my phone is absolutely amazing, I wish that there were easily available covers for it [I drop mine more than any other human being on the planet] as well as an upgraded online experience. This blows.
Back to the furniture... we put an ad on
Craigslist for the main couch we sit on [$300
obo] and Andrew is working on possibly selling the other couch + chair set back to his sister. The new tan furniture will be delivered on Thursday, and Andrew is pretty set on delivering our couch [already sold from the ad!] to a guy in
Bellingham on Wednesday, leaving just enough time for a Thursday morning delivery. How exciting!!
Today is Andrew's birthday; he turned 25. I was really excited for the presents I gave him, which meant I couldn't post this until after he opened them because I didn't want to give anything away. I did one of our family's traditions [The Sticky Note Game! 25 different notes hidden around the house with instructions on each how to get to the next one] to get to where the presents are. My mom and I went to Costco around 11:00 yesterday morning [A.) because the gifts wouldn't fit in my car, and B.) even if they could, Andrew took my car to work], picked up some things [presents for him from me as well as from my mom and dad, groceries my folks needed, etc.], stopped by Target for wrapping utensils, went to Party City for better wrapping utensils, and then came back to my place. After wrapping the easy presents, we went outside and wrapped the huge and heavy one. After I hid the "sticky" notes in their appropriate places, my mom left. She is literally an amazing gift wrapper:

She wants her own wrapping room [like Aaron Spelling has!] and someday she will get it because she deserves it and she's good at it.
I'm typing this from the black leather[?] chair in the corner of the room. I grabbed a Snapple to drink and couldn't find a convenient spot to put it while I typed. I don't think
that'll be a problem on Thursday with our new couch! But this will be the location of our new recliner. It looks kind of corny from the picture I took [like a poof ball] but it is amazingly comfortable, leans back really far [which the couch recliners don't do as intensely], and it swivels! I'm sure it would be easy to move to view the screen if we had a lot of company over. I wouldn't be the one to move it though; the last time I tried moving a swivel recliner, I dropped it on my big toe and it basically demolished what was once a toe nail. It has been disgusting ever since, but recently I started using a nail fungus treatment [started after I dropped the chair and the nail got infected or something] and it has been working miraculously. I am not putting up pictures [like I mentioned before], but the nails are looking super healthy and super shiny [with the help of my nail buffer!].
I see both Murphy and Moses laying on our carpeted floors, enjoying the coldness that is our air conditioning. It has been ferociously hot outside lately [up to the 100s even, I believe] and although it is great Summer weather, it is
not for me. I enjoy the cold weather much more than the hot. I would rather wear jeans and a sweatshirt or coat than shorts and a tank top. I just recently got into wearing tank tops in public [I felt that they were too revealing] so the heat isn't keeping me inside, but I choose to be because it is more tolerable. Will the house stay cooler when we take up the carpets and just have hardwood floors? I hope so, but I also hope that I can find some sweet slippers like I had before [but ended up getting so thin that I had to call it quits].
Andrew decided he wanted to open presents at 12:01 am so we did everything we could to make the time pass. We watched
Requiem for a Dream [amazing! Rated #62 on the top 250 movies on
IMDb.com] and
Shutter [an alright movie with an overused plot line, pretty poor acting, Roy from "
The Office," a kind of cool/weird ending, but a 4.8/10 rating]. After this we farted around, ate a bit, and put in
Fargo [#115/250]. I fell asleep not even a fifth of the way into the movie [Ugh! I love that movie too!] and when I woke, the end credits were beginning to roll, Andrew was smiling in my face, I looked at my phone, and it was 12:15 am, the precise minute he was born 25 years ago. I sent him a text saying, "Happy Birthday! ...Look behind the toaster." The scavenger hunt began:
2.) Look in the DVD case for “Yoga for Beginners”
3.) Look on the inside of the bottom toilet paper roll in the cupboard above the toilet
4.) Look behind the picture of you smiling really big by the front door
5.) Look on the underside of the wooden bowl that is under the ClearWire stand and router
6.) Eject the tape in my VHS player in my room
7.) Unscrew the lightbulb that is burnt out in the living room
8.) Look on the bottom of the smallest candy container jar on the kitchen counter
9.) Look under the bottom thing of Q-Tips in the cupboard above the toilet
10.) Look behind the pig picture
11.) Look on the underside of the full laundry detergent container [the kind that we usually use]
12.) Open up the United Furniture Warehouse umbrella and look inside
13.) Unscrew my lightswitch cover
14.) Look on the inside of the Ritz box
15.) Look behind the VCR in the living room cabinet
16.) Look under Murphy’s food dish
17.) Feel underneath your drum seat / chair
18.) Look on the inside of the picture of Cracker on the zebra blanket
19.) Look in the VHS case for Memento
20.) Look in my ceramic frog’s mouth on my shelf by my beads
21.) Look in the left-most colorful mug on the top shelf of the right-side cupboard
22.) Look on the back of one of the Jackelope’s ears
23.) Look inside the fireplace
24.) Look in my left DC black sneaker in my closet
25.) Open the bus in the backyard
...and in the bus were my two wrapped presents. We used the flashlight because it was really dark outside. One present was a steel shelving fixture [that he already has two of and wanted more] and the other was a 34-piece painting set that hooks on to an air compressor. I'm not sure how the latter works really, but he does and was really excited about it.
We then came inside, opened up the card and gifts from my parents, and called it a night.

This morning we woke up and took the dogs for a morning walk before the hot hot sun arrives full force. We usually walk the dogs just around our little block but feeling a little bit
un-exercising lately [aka "lazy and getting fat"], I suggested it be a different route. We walked maybe a little under a mile round trip, but it was worth it. The dogs got some exercise, we got some exercise, and we got to check out more of the neighborhood, including the most random stop sign ever:

Honestly... why? It is such a slow neighborhood and there are a few other of the exact same intersections
without stop signs. How random!
From there I went to
Haggen, picked up some groceries, came home, and we all sat down and watched
Grandma's Boy [yet another
stoner movie to add to our recently viewed category]. I felt hungry but decided to give myself a time when I could eat because I knew I was just bored and falling into the habit of eating junk when we watch movies. 3:30 was my time and I had two and a half hours to go. After the movie I had 45 more minutes so I started making some No Bake cookies and some fudge.

The first picture looks like vomit in a pot, but I assure you it's not [rhyme]. It is the prequel to no-bakes, which kind of defeats the name because I had to boil the stuff first. I didn't think it would actually boil, with so much dry ingredients. I went to a bunch of websites to try and find the recipe [
here!]. And the fudge didn't fit all that well in the rectangular tray, but it called for a square tray anyway. I called my
gramma and she didn't have the precise measurements with her. She told me the ingredients and I found one website and copied down their stuff. Similar to
this website, but I mixed up the URLs for the fudge, so don't quote me. The last picture has both desserts I made as well as the cake that Sam made a few days ago. I then chopped up the head of romaine lettuce I got at the store:

I totally scored! This whole thing was $1.50! I just had to chop it up myself. I hope it's just as good. If not, I'm going to get the huge bag of chopped romaine I saw for $3.99 [and asked myself why I wasn't getting that before]. We'll see! Andrew, Sam, and I went to Fred Meyer to get some gallon-size zip-lock bags for the lettuce [so it will preserve longer], Alfy's [for some birthday stuffed crust pepperoni pizza], Papa Murphy's [cheesy bread wheels], and Hollywood Video [to rent
Shawshank Redemption -- #1 on
com's Top 250, by the way].
After the food and movie [absolutely amazing], Andrew moved our two Scott Mutter posters from one wall to either side of the new wooden cabinet. It looks really good! With Andrew possibly bringing the other couch up to
Bellingham on Wednesday [after we bring the dogs to the vet -- sad day], we will have room for the new couch and it will look amazing with the posters, cabinet, and future hardwood floor!
I'm going to go spend time with the birthday boy.